良い同盟のためのブロックチェーン (BGA) Web3 を統合して社会的影響を与える, Bybit Web3 を使用して Blockchain Life Dubai で発表, ハーバードブロックチェーンクラブ, ソラナ財団, モレダオ, アプトス, ICP.ハブ アラブ首長国連邦, 主要パートナーとしての Alchemy Pay

プレスリリース. Dubai, 15 4月 2024 – The Blockchain for Good Alliance (BGA) officially announces its launch today, marking a significant step forward in the mission to leverage blockchain technology for social good. BGA has partnered with leading entities in the

Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (雲母). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Starkware Plans to Open Source Key Tech Linked to Starknet Prover

At the Starkware Sessions 2023 event, held at the Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware co-founder Eli Ben-Sasson informed the audience that the company intends to open sourcekey techlinked to the Starknet Prover. During the event, the co-founder


プレスリリース. シンガポール, 行進 2022 – The fiat-crypto payment solutions provider, Alchemy Pay (ACH), and GrePay, global acquirer and payments provider, announce their partnership. Grepay has over 100 local payment channels that process over 200k transactions per day. Alchemy Pay will

錬金術の支払いを介してフィアット支払いを追加する雪崩 (ACH) 統合

プレスリリース. Avalanche has announced the integration of flexible fiat payment on-ramps on their network, thanks to a new integration with Alchemy Pay. Alchemy Pay is a payment solution that bridges fiat and crypto economies and it will now offer support

Moledaoが先駆的なWebを開始 3.0 メタバースのハッカソン

プレスリリース. モレダオ, a social platform for blockchain enthusiasts, announced today its upcoming Web 3.0 ハッカソン. This pioneering global hackathon will be held in the metaverse, and take place from 15th November 2021 to 9th January 2022. ウェブ 3.0 is the